Thursday, July 29, 2010

Who need a garden? Or a Container?

Today's photo was sent in by one of my friends in Brooklyn who has been container gardening along with me.

Tomatoes growing in a SIDEWALK CRACK in Brooklyn:

and here we've been spending time and money on flower pots and soil.

Here's a close-up from another angle.

Yup, definitely tomatoes.

Thanks for the photos Melissa!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Cutest Little Bus in Astoria

There's really nothing to say here. I've seen this van?bus?car? around several times, once with a note on the windshield that said "I Want Your Car!".

Monday, July 26, 2010

Remember Bradlees?

It's a tractor-trailer (maybe just the trailer, is there another name for that part of the truck?)

My mom and I used to go to Bradlees ALL THE TIME. I hadn't thought of the place for ages until my shuttle home from work started going by this parking lot each week. A quick internet search tells me that the chain went bankrupt in 2000 and stores were gone by 2001.
This photo was taken in 2010 and the truck has not moved in all the months I've been watching it. It's a strange little relic somewhere between Parsippany and Hoboken.

Feral Monkey Puppets

See, how often do you see things like this? I did not pose this, I didn't put anyone up to it, I have no idea why he's there! I was just walking to work and noticed him.

Monkey Zoom:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

default backgrounds

As much as I actually do like this default background (titled "Travel") provided by Blogger, don't get too used to it. I'll be replacing it as soon as I round up some of the evening shots I took back in Richmond hill... I know just the one...

Hello, it's a new blog for Alison!

Anyone who's seen me tootling around with my cameraphone knows that I am, like so many people these days, constantly snapping pictures. While I love to go out and take the artsy, over-composed photographs with my real (non-cell phone) cameras, I take a lot of fun little snaps with my phone. This can include some artsy composed ones but more often they're fun little snapshots and reminders and recordings of notes and silly things I come across.
I'm going to share some with you here. I hope you enjoy them.